Have You Ever Considered A Waterproof Basement? Here Is Why You Should

Foundation repair

Have you ever thought about creating a waterproof basement? There are many reasons to consider waterproofing, the number one being to protect your home from critters, termites and bugs, as dampness actually promotes these things.

If you are ready for some basement waterproofing, your first step is to test the drainage systems in your home. Are your gutters draining properly? What about your downsprouts? You want to make sure your drainage systems are diverting water away from your home like they should be.

If you are finding that your drainage system is not working properly, or if you have a wet basement, you should hire a basement repair person to come to your home. These professionals can help make sure you waterproof your basement properly, especially since poured concrete can have entry points for water seepage, like cracks and pipe penetrations.

Water can also seep into your home through foundation cracks, holes from decaying brick work or even through the basement walls.

Lots of different polymer based waterproofing products have come on the market in the last decade, making it easy to create a waterproof basement.

Basements can be difficult to keep dry, but by waterproofing, as well as using a humidifier during the hot months of the year, you can keep things relatively dry and also protect your home. Get more here.

6 responses to “Have You Ever Considered A Waterproof Basement? Here Is Why You Should”

  1. One time my basement sumpump leaked and we had water everywhere! Then it got all moldy and smelly. Yuck!

  2. I’m afraid of basements. I won’t even go downstairs into ours. I keep the door locked at all times. ICK!

  3. I’m afraid of basements. I won’t even go downstairs into ours. I keep the door locked at all times. ICK!

  4. I’m afraid of basements. I won’t even go downstairs into ours. I keep the door locked at all times. ICK!

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