An important area of development within the field of mobile technology is allowing for HIPAA compliant messaging among physicians. Whether you are interested in Hipaa text messaging, mobile health applications, or secure messaging service providers, you need to find a quality specialist to give you safe, effective tools to allow doctors to communicate. Hipaa texting is an excellent way for doctors to quickly get the information that they require so that they can stay up to date about things going on with their patients.
Hipaa texting is important because of the convenience of text messaging. Many people communicate professionally and socially with text messaging. Hipaa texting allows doctors to leverage the ease with which texting can be performed in order to correspond with their colleagues more efficiently. Technology such as Hipaa texting has a history both in the United States and around the world. A study conducted by the nonprofit Commonwealth Fund showed that Danish physicians reported as early as the 1990s that they could save an average of 30 minutes every day by using electronic tools to prescribe drugs and order reports. In the year 2009, Barack Obama signed the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act, also known as the Hitech Act, that gave $27 billion in financial incentives for the use of digital health records.
Today, there are 551 certified medical information software providers in the United States that sell a combined 1,137 programs for various applications in the medical industry. Hipaa texting is one of the most popular types of medical communication for doctors that are looking to easily provide information that their receptionists and technicians require. Hipaa texting is especially important for those physicians that utilize a BYOD policy. Securing devices owned by employees in BYOD settings is one of the growing concerns for the medical industry. No matter how large your medical practice is or how much technology you utilize, make sure that you are doing so in a way that is efficient. Through technology such as mobile smartphones and tablets it is easy for any medical practice to get in touch with the right people and give their colleagues the information that is necessary for them to manage the needs of their patients. If your medical practice currently has technology in place that it wants to use more efficiently, invest in medical software that will allow you to easily text the right people.