Working with a company that is up to date on all of the latest web design ideas could be an absolutely terrific way for small and medium sized business owners to get the attention they need online. These days, a full 40 percent of smartphone users in the United States compared prices on their phone or other mobile device while shopping for something inside a brick and mortar store. Since this trend is only expected to increase, taking the time to invest in a better website could be well worth it.
Some of the best web design ideas that a search engine marketing agency can provide include responsive web designs, which allow websites to be seen on screens of all sizes. It has been estimated that 2013 will be the final year that desktop computers outnumber mobile devices, which is why gearing ones website to fit every screen comfortably could be one of the best web design ideas out there today.
The most knowledgeable professionals in delivering search engine marketing services know that 82 percent of consumers use search engines to find out info about small businesses in their local area. Meanwhile, 61 percent of smartphone owners make local searches on their device. Both of these statistics point to the fact that another of the top web design ideas is investing in local SEO. Aside from marketing plans, there are a number of things that the ideal website developer could embed on a clients website to make sure it is seen more in local searches.
A third thing to keep in mind when designing a website is the placement of social media badges. Placing links towards the top of a companies Facebook or Twitter page could help to drive traffic to them. This could in turn make it much easier for people to share info about a business or product they enjoy. Considering that at least 65 percent of adults use at least one social media website, it makes sense to try and get as much attention out of it as possible.
Another thing that companies should consider is the addition of an onsite blog. 57 percent of modern businesses have acquired new customers through a company blog. Aside from bringing in new clients, it could also be a terrific way to put out information about a business, its people, and its history. Often times, people enjoy getting to know a business that they like. More information like this: www.logicalposition.com More like this blog.
6 responses to “The Most Modern Web Design Trends”
The good news of a company blog? It can be outsourced, just like a lot of the other stuff mentioned here can!
That is terrific. I have read somewhere that an onsite blog can also be great for SEO? Is that true?
That is terrific. I have read somewhere that an onsite blog can also be great for SEO? Is that true?
That is terrific. I have read somewhere that an onsite blog can also be great for SEO? Is that true?
That is terrific. I have read somewhere that an onsite blog can also be great for SEO? Is that true?
That is terrific. I have read somewhere that an onsite blog can also be great for SEO? Is that true?