Workers compensation, or workers comp, is a type of insurance that provides for medical benefits and wage replacement for employees that have been injured during the course of their employment. Basically, this is a trade off, in that the employee gets the compensation by way of giving up their right to sue their employer for workplace negligence that led to their injury.
Az workers compensation can occur in many forms. It can be benefits paid to dependents if workers are killed, acting as a type of life insurance. It can also be a replacement for lost wages, similar to disability insurance. It can be reimbursement for medical expenses, acting like health insurance.
If you are in need of AZ workers compensation and seek the help of an Arizona workers compensation attorney, here are several things to keep in mind.
First, look for a lawyer who specializes in handling AZ workers compensation. By choosing someone who specializes in the field, you will receive advice that is based on an in depth understanding of local policy, legal procedures, and statutes. After having worked many cases similar to yours, they will be able to give you the most accurate idea of what the course of your case will look like, as well as likely challenges.
Second, be wary of anyone who tries to guarantee you certain outcomes. Most workers compensation lawyers Arizona understand that there are no easy wins, and there will be many compromises along the way to receiving your AZ workers compensation.
Third, choose a lawyer whom you feel like you can trust, and with whom you have good communication. Good communication is key to a successful trial outcome.