If you want to know all the breaking news Seattle experiences, you can find many Seattle news stations to tune in to. However, with all the options out there, which stations are really worth catching on the television, online, or on the radio? Many people select their news station unconsciously. Maybe there is one station with a particular news anchor you enjoy, or one that delivers the news at just the right time in the morning before you make your commute. If you would rather make a conscious choice, though, here are three things you should look for.
1. Make sure you can get Seattle local news.
Perhaps the most important thing you can get out of your news station is all of the news that is happening in your own neighborhood. Local events and breaking news can change your plans, or affect your day to day life. Make sure that whichever station you choose, you find one that reliably reports on all of the news that affects you most.
2. Get access to Seattle breaking news.
Does your news website have a crime blotter, social media connections, and live streaming radio updated every ten minutes? If not, you could be missing out on breaking news. An RSS feed can be especially helpful in delivering breaking news to you how you want it, when you want it. Make sure that your station of choice delivers all the latest news in a way that is convenient for you.
3. Choose a news station with accurate weather.
Radar, satellite, five day or seven day forecasts, cameras, ski reports, and weather related breaking news are all critical pieces to the puzzle that is Seattle weather. Make sure you pick a news station with all of the above elements so that you never have your weekend plans ruined by unexpected weather. Did you know that a tornado warning was almost issued in Seattle recently? If you did not know, then you were not tuned in to the right news station.
When you find a news station that covers local news, breaking news, and keeps you informed on the weather, you will be that much closer to having selected the right Seattle news station for you. What is your favorite station for all the breaking news Seattle experiences?